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Start your On Demand Service business within 24 hrs

vServ is a one stop solution to enhance your business online

vserv app
Android iOS Laravel Paypal Razorpay Jitsi

Everything You Need

Unique Features Of Video based On demand application

vserv Feature

Service Provider Profile

Customers can view the detailed profile of the concerned service provider.

Payout Management for Service Providers

Admin can manage earning and payouts for service providers

Online / Offline Booking

Customer can book online or offline service as per their convenience.

Schedule Booking

Customers can book an appointment with the nearest vServ service partner for any type of services

Push Notifications

User will get timely notification for all events

Payment Integration

Multiple payment gateways supported like Paypal, stripe etc.

Login with Phone number

Sign in with mobile number

Commission System for Admin

Admin can manage commission for users

Multilingual support

We can support multiple languages across the globe

Who Can Use ?

Start working with vServ that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Start your on demand business with these services

  • Home Cleaning
  • Car Cleaning
  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Laundry Service
  • Appliance Repair
  • Disinfection
  • Pest Control
  • Salon for Men & Women
  • Therapies for Men and Women
On Demand Business with vServ
Android iOS Laravel Paypal Razorpay Jitsi
vServ Customer Features

Customer Features

We have added all the features you will need to book the service.

  • Create/Cancel Booking
  • Book virtual appointment audio, video, chat
  • Book physical visit appointment with navigation
  • Schedule Booking
  • Online Payment (Multiple payment gateways)
  • Multi-language support - RTL Ready
  • Notification on Booking Updates
  • Review & Rate Services

Service Provider App Features

We have added all the features you will need to start your own service.

  • Easy & Quick Sign-In & Registration
  • Profile Management
  • Accept/Decline New Bookings
  • Book physical visit appointment with navigation
  • Update Booking Status
  • Notifications
  • Update Provided Services
  • Multi-language support - RTL Ready
  • Maps Navigation
Service Provider App Features
vServ Admin Features

Admin Features

  • User Management
  • Commission System
  • Online Payment
  • Provider Earnings and Payouts
  • Categories & Services Management
  • Booking Statistics
  • Multi-Role Dashboard

What you will get

Customer App

Includes Android and IOS app

Service Provider App

Includes Android and IOS app

Admin Panel

A fully functional web based Admin Panel

Choose The Pricing Plan

Start using vServ that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.


$ 1000
  • Android Source Code
  • iOS Source Code
  • Admin Source Code
  • Rebranding & Installation
  • Support


$ 2000
  • Android Source Code
  • iOS Source Code
  • Admin Source Code
  • Rebranding & Installation
  • Support


$ 2500
  • Android Source Code
  • iOS Source Code
  • Admin Source Code
  • Rebranding & Installation
  • Support

Do you have any question

Can we add any new features to this app?

Yes, we can customize the app as per your need.

Is this a scalable solution?

Yes. vServ App is built with the concept that allows it to expand for future purposes without any issue.

What will be the cost if I want to develop my own vServ App?

We offer the best pricing keeping in mind the budget constraint of the small and medium organizations without hindering the development quantity. The price will be customized based on your requirement.

What will be the tech stacks of this app?

Android, IOS, Stripe, Laravel, Mysql etc

Try App now !

Enhance your business with vServ